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Paula Johnson

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  • 10 Influencers

  • 10 Life Stories

  • 10 Transformations

  • 10 Authors Tell All

This fantastic collaborative book showcases 10 authors who are all Influencers of Change.


All are life-changing stories - some are about change made by choice and others are about change that came unannounced and unexpected.

How did they turn their lives around? Discover their secrets in this inspiring book...

Change is Not a Scary Word Cover

8 women and 2 men share their journey of change:

Sean - was overweight, stressed and full of health issues. He underwent a self-imposed mental, emotional and physical transformation. Sean 'walks the talk', making him the super coach he is today, helping others transform their lives in turn.

Marie - at aged 46, fit and vibrant Marie woke one morning to find she couldn't walk.  Deteriorating rapidly, she was subsequently diagnosed with the highly debilitating illness known as Guillain Barre Syndrome. Marie shares how she used her illness as a blessing; a wake-up call where she closed the door to death and opened the door to life.

Jo - a solo-mum with two young children, opened her own home-based business and is still going strong 20 years down the track. Find out the challenges she faced and how she overcame them.

Chris - went from working a crippling 100 hours a week in the IT industry, that was of course taking a huge toll on his mental and physical health, to taking control and building a life on his terms. Chris shares such a wealth of information about his journey and how he went from disheartened and burnt out, to living a life he loves.

Nikki - was becoming overweight but found the secret to short but effective workouts and non-depriving eating habits that completely changed her body into lean, strong and healthy.

Donna - Donna grew up with various health and physical challenges, always striving to be 'normal' so she didn’t stand out. Changing her outlook, self doubt and mindset, she finally truly embraced her not-so-perfect body and how she viewed herself, transforming her life.

Naomi - surrounded by everything she thought she wanted and had worked so hard to achieve, Naomi realised she felt empty, void of any purpose, joy or enthusiasm towards life. Using personal transformation and self-mastery, she uncovered the greatest gift of all - the person that she was destined to be.

Malka - after stage three breast cancer, two operations and 12 months of chemo she ended up with chronic depression. She made the choice to live and fight and 41 years later tells her story.

Carmen - shares a collection of moments that changed her perception from suicidal self-hate to strength and determination, thriving through the chronic disease Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

and me, Paula - sharing my journey of leaving my safe corporate job that was slowly sucking the life-force out of me, to become a middle-aged digital nomad with no secure income and no secure home to call my own.

There are limited copies still available so please contact me if you wish to purchase.

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